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Helping Nonprofits (NGOs) Overseas
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Helping Nonprofits (NGOs) Overseas

The Denton Program is a commodities transportation program authorized under Title 10 U.S.C. Section 402 and jointly administered by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Department of State (DOS), and the Department of Defense (DoD). The Denton Amendment provides the authority for DoD to use extra space on U.S. military cargo aircraft to transport humanitarian assistance materials donated by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations (IOs), and private voluntary organizations (PVOs) for humanitarian relief. Since Denton is a space available program, it is impossible to predict when transportation will be provided; therefore, no guarantees can be made regarding completion of a shipment.


The Denton program offers free transportation only on a Space Available basis. It cannot be undertaken at any cost to the U.S. Government other than the cost of the transportation itself. Before gathering supplies, as a prospective donor, you should first contact USAID/Washington to determine whether the program is possible in the specific country. The USAID Program Officer for Denton can be reached at (202) 712-1181 or

The following is a synopsis of the five stages of the Denton program

1. Application

After confirming with USAID/Washington that the shipment can be undertaken in the destination country, the donor must do the following:

  • Identify a consignee or local contact/recipient, who will:
    1. Obtain written duty-free documentation on the destination country’s government letterhead stating that the shipment will be allowed to enter the country duty-free and an English translation of that letter,
    2. Ensure compliance with all legal requirements in the destination country,
    3. Receive and take possession of cargo upon arrival,
    4. Distribute cargo to the beneficiaries.
  • Collect all cargo and store in one location, prepare the commodities in compliance with U.S. military guidelines, and store or pay for commercial storage until U.S. military transportation becomes available.
  • Create a packing list in the format provided on the Denton website including weights, values and cubic feet of each box and individual item.
  • If sending medical equipment, supplies or pharmaceuticals read through the medical guidelines (also available on the website) to be sure cargo meets World Health Organization (WHO) standards. Send a copy of your packing list to a valid health organization in the destination country who will be using the supplies and have them
    1. initial the packing list, and
    2. write a letter stating that they need the supplies and can properly store and use them.
  • Once all of the above documentation has been gathered, fill out an online application at and submit all supporting documentation to USAID/Washington (contact information is given at the end of the online application). Applications will not be processed until all required documents have been submitted.

2. Approval Process

  • USAID will communicate with the destination country to ensure the cargo will be accepted. Depending on the workload and responsiveness of the host government in the destination country, this process may take several weeks.
  • If the cargo consists of medical supplies, equipment and/or pharmaceuticals USAID will review your application in regards to the WHO standards and reserve the right to request additional information and/or the removal of items which do not meet those standards,
  • USAID will arrange for an inspection company to inspect all the donated cargo, which must be stored at a single warehousing/storage site. The inspection team reserves the right to remove items from the inventory which, for reasons of safety or legality, may not be shipped under the Denton program. Time-sensitive cargo (e.g., medical supplies within 12 months of their expiration date and perishable food) cannot be accepted and will not be shipped.
  • If the cargo passes inspection and all USAID clearances, DOS will determine whether the application is consistent with U.S. foreign policy objectives.
  • The application will then be formally approved (or disapproved) by DoD, and the donor will be notified. If the cargo is approved for transportation a Transportation Control Number (TCN) will be issued at this time.

Note: Applications in which the donor seeks financing for any cost other than U.S. military transport, such as storage or local transportation, will not be approved.
3. Transportation

  • After approval and the issuance of a TCN the application will be forwarded to representatives of DoD to determine the feasibility for U.S. military space available transport. Please note: Approval of your application and internal tasking to arrange for transport does not obligate the U.S. government to provide transportation of the donated cargo.
  • Additional forms (located on the website) will need to be filled out at this time. The DOD transportation specialists can guide you through this paperwork.
  • DoD will contact you, the donor, when space becomes available for the approved cargo. At that time, you will be told when and where to deliver the cargo, your packing list and any other additional documentation. The cost of transportation to the military base and any local transportation is your responsibility.
  • Cargo must arrive at the DoD-designated U.S. military departure air field/location within the timeframe dictated by the DoD. Early or late arrival or any non-compliance with these guidelines will result in the return of the cargo to you, at your expense.

NOTE: Even after delivery to a U.S. military base, there is no guarantee the shipment will be transported, since DoD cannot plan or create space availability. Although such instances are rare, it may be necessary for you, the donor, to reclaim the shipment at your expense, if the planned transportation does not occur or there is no transportation in the foreseeable future.
4. Arrival in Destination Country

  • DoD will notify you of the estimated date and time of arrival in the destination country and you, the donor, must communicate this information to the consignee in the destination country. The consignee must take timely possession of the cargo and ensure it clears customs and other legal requirements.
  • The donor must provide or pay all costs of any “in destination country” local storage or shipping charges.

5. Distribution and Reporting

  • The consignee is responsible for timely distribution of the cargo to the targeted beneficiaries. All cargo must be distributed on a non-commercial basis, free of cost to the beneficiaries.
  • You, as the donor, must submit a report to USAID/Washington within 30 days after the cargo is distributed, describing in detail how they were distributed, to whom, and how the supplies were used. This After Action Report should be submitted online at Subsequent applications for shipment of humanitarian goods from donors who have not provided this mandatory report will not be processed.

For forms, applications, and additional guidelines concerning the Denton Program, please see

Contact Person:
Sara Lemanski, Traffic Management Specialist, OFR Program Officer, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Transportation, (202) 712-1181 or

DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to provide legal or accounting advice, or to address specific situations. Please consult with your legal or tax advisor to supplement and verify what you learn here.

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